
cotton piece goods 棉布類(商品)。

cotton plantation

B : thank you for saying so . have you seen the exhibition halls ? on display are most of our products , such as silk , woolen knitwear , cotton piece goods , and garments 謝謝夸獎。您參觀過展覽廳了嗎?展出的大部分是我們的產品,比如絲綢、毛織品、棉布匹和服裝等。

Thank you for saying so . have you seen the exhibition halls ? on display are most of our products , such as silk , woolen knitwear , cotton piece goods , and garments 謝謝夸獎。您參觀過展覽廳了嗎?展出的大部分是我們的產品,比如絲綢、毛織品、棉布匹和服裝等。

As cotton piece goods falls within the scope of our business activities , we shall be pleased to enter into director business relations with you at an early date 棉布屬于我公司經營范圍,我們愿與貴公司早日建立直接的業務關系。

Being specialized in the export of chinese cotton piece goods , cotton yarn and wollen piece goods , we hereby express our desire to trade with you in this line 我們專門出口中國棉布、棉紗及呢絨,希望與貴公司開展這方面的貿易。

You were recommended to our company by the bank of china , new york branch , which told us that you export chinese textiles and cotton piece goods 貴公司由中國銀行紐約分行推薦給我司,獲悉貴公司從事紡織品及棉織品出口業務。

We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state - operated corporation dealing exclusively in cotton yarn , cotton piece goods and woollen piece goods 我們愿向貴方介紹,我們是一個專門經營棉紗、紗布及呢絨的國營公司。

Specializing in the export of chinese cotton piece goods , we express our desire to trade with you in this line 我們專門經營中國棉織品出口,愿與你們進行交易。

We adopt english system not metric system to indicate the construction of our cotton piece goods 我們采用英制,不用公制來表明我棉布的規格。

I specialize in the sale of cotton piece goods . may i act as your agent 我專營棉布買賣,我可作為你們的代理嗎?

We sell our cotton piece goods by yard not by weight 我們銷售棉布是按碼計數,不是按重量計數的。

We have various kinds of cotton piece goods available for export 我們有各種各樣的棉布可供出口。

We are specialized in the export of chinese cotton piece goods 我們專營中國棉布的出口。